by Jim Jackson | May 20, 2020 | Gen 1.3 - Troubleshooting, Gen 3 - Troubleshooting
Common Root Causes: Unit does not recognize remote transmitter. See Controller: “Learning” the iMist2-ready Handheld Remote Transmitter System Mode is set to OFF. Reset System mode to AUTO mode or REM (or ON)....
by Jim Jackson | May 20, 2020 | Gen 1.3 - Troubleshooting, Gen 3 - Troubleshooting
Potential Root Causes: Unit does not recognize remote transmitter. See Controller: LRNing the Remote Transmitter System Mode is set to OFF. Reset System mode to AUTO mode or REM (or ON). See Controller: Setting...
by Jim Jackson | May 13, 2020 | Gen 1.3 - Troubleshooting, Gen 3 - Troubleshooting
Before troubleshooting Confirm the zone kit has been properly installed and the controller has been programmed. See Gen 1.3: Zone Kit instructions or Gen 3+ Zone Kit Instructions Confirm the nozzle circuits for Zone 1 and Zone 2 are independent and not tied together....
by Jim Jackson | May 11, 2019 | Controller & Remote, Gen 1.3 - Troubleshooting
If the display on the Gen 1.3 controller is blank, and you are certain there is power to the outlet, either the fuse protecting the controller has blown due to a power surge, or a component in the misting unit is shorted, or the controller has otherwise failed. A...
by Jim Jackson | Dec 19, 2018 | Gen 1.3 - Troubleshooting
Cause: Unit has calculated zero remaining volume in the drum and it must be refilled. See Gen 1.3: Refill Checklist