by Jim Jackson | Nov 9, 2018 | Gen 3 Repairs, Parts & Assemblies
Download the Gen 3+ Misting Unit Part Diagram(s) for printing.
by homerjon_mistaway | Dec 31, 1969 | Gen 3 Repairs
Time: 15 minutes Tools: 15 mm wrench crescent wrench or channel lock pliers 5/16″ nut driver Teflon tape snip for zip tie and small zip tie paper towels to blot concentrate Parts: Replacement pressure gauge kit, including adapter rings (#10978) straight female...
by homerjon_mistaway | Dec 31, 1969 | Controller & Remote, Gen 1.3 Repairs, Gen 3 Repairs
IMPORTANT: Before disassembling the controller, touch your hand to a metal object to discharge any static. Time: less than 5 mins Tools: small Phillips screwdriver Parts: Gen 3/1.3 Controller Faceplate with Buttons (#21050) 1. Remove faceplate from controller....
by homerjon_mistaway | Dec 31, 1969 | Gen 3 Repairs
The primary cause of failure in the remote receiver is water entering the connection with the CAT 5 cable. When replacing the remote receiver, we advise also replacing the receiver cable and antenna. Time: 5 minutes Tools: 5/16″ nut driver Parts: Gen 1.3/3...
by homerjon_mistaway | Dec 31, 1969 | Gen 3 Repairs
The flow meter is the brass, cylindrical shaped component located against the back right wall of the unit. If the flow meter is plastic, See Gen 3: Replace Gray Plastic Flow Meter Time: 15 minutes Tools: zip tie snip zip tie Parts: Brass flow meter assembly...